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Our Services

Do you know what the silent killers

of production and uptime are?


Friction - Impacting - Turbulence  (F.I.T.)


These three words have detrimental effect on your machinery. Any one or a combination of them can "put a wrench in the gears" of your mechanical or air/gas transfer systems. Unfortunately, you can't hear or see F.I.T. very easily. If your production area is as loud as most are, it would be impossible to detect with the human ear. There is a solution!  All three are detectable at many of their advanced stages through the use of Ultrasound by your trained Idaho Ultrasound Technician.

Mechanical Assets 

Conditioning Monitoring


Detect faults in your bearings before they stop your production line!


Ultrasound is a very powerful tool and is the first line of defense for condition monitoring. Ultrasound detects friction, impacting and turbulence. Friction and impacting are a bearings worst enemy as is under and over lubrication of those bearings. Ultrasound can detect these issues before you have problems. Knowing the condition of your assets is the only way to keep your assets up and running efficiently. The last thing your production needs is an unplanned costly shutdown due to a malfunction within your machines. 

Bearing Lubrication


Did you know the 40% of bearings fail due to improper lubrication!


Whether too much or too little, ultrasound can help you get the correct amount of grease into your bearings. Failing bearings emit an ultrasound signal that a detector can pickup during analysis. The human ear can not hear this sound. Your Idaho Ultrasound Technician is trained to find these issues with the use of very high tech equipment. They can also help monitor your bearings and assist in the proper lubrication of them. A properly lubricated bearing will keep your motors running properly and efficiently which in turn will keep your energy costs down and production times up. 

Air and Gas

Leak Detection


Plants that don't have a plan in place, lose on average 40% of their compressed air production due to leaks!


75% of the cost to produce compressed air is energy. When you have air leaks and your system is running to keep up, it uses even more energy which in turn hits your bottomline. More importantly it keeps your assets constantly running and potentially wearing out prematurely.


Having a trained ultrasound technician scan your system on a scheduled basis will help find these leaks so they can be corrected. Idaho Ultrasound utilizes the latest technology in airborne ultrasound devices to pinpoint the leaks. 

Electrical Equipment

Fault Detection


What happens to a manufacturing or industrial plant when the electrical systems have an issue?


The answer to that question is many

things, from safety issues to complete shut downs of production lines. Electrical systems are the heart of any industrial plant. Without electricity your production line would cease to exist. When these system have a catastrophic failure not only will these production lines go down and cost you money, but the potential for the health and safety of your personnel can be put at risk.


Ultrasound detectors "hear" arcing, tracking, partial discharge and corona before any other predictive maintenance tool.  


Idaho Ultrasound Technicians can help detect these major issues before they become a potential hazard to your valuable personnel or manufacturing processes.

Steam Trap Testing

and Maintenance


Did you know that many of a manufacturing plant's steam traps will fail without scheduled maintenance within a year of use.


 Steam traps are the most basic of mechanical systems. Think toilet tank basics and you have a steam trap. Because many industrial processes use steam it is very important to keep your steam traps clean, energy efficient and most importantly safe. If they don't work correctly they can cause a shutdown. When traps fail it costs money and energy which hit your bottom line. It can also have an effect on your quality of production. A failure is unnecessary and can be very easily avoided with regular scheduled ultrasound checkups to make sure the traps are working properly and efficiently.  

Hydraulic Systems Monitoring


Hydraulic systems are not very complicated and they are an efficient and cost-effective way to create movement or repetition.


Hydraulic systems function and perform tasks through using a fluid that is pressurized. That pressurized fluid acts upon every part of the containing vessel and creates force or power. Due to the use of this force, and depending on how it’s applied, operators can lift heavy loads, and precise repetitive tasks can be easily done.


There are a few common failure modes with hydraulic systems. Blockages, by-passing, internal and external leaks to name a few.


Ultrasound sensors can detect them all because each produce either friction, impacting or turbulence F.I.T.

Valve Condition Monitoring


Did you know that Ultrasound can Detect Valve Leaks and Blockages? 


Valves are a critical part of many manufacturing and industrial processes. These lines can be the arteries to many areas of production and if they don't work properly they can slow down or even stop the process until fixed. Ultrasound can be a strong ally in the never ending fight for preventive maintenance. Valve Conditioning is no exception.


Ultrasound can quickly identify blocked or malfunctioning valves. These valves can be addressed immediately before production comes to a halt. 



Underground Tank

Tightness Testing


 Are your ship's cargo holds sealed properly and water tight? Do you hear air/sound pouring into your vehicles cabin? Have you had your underground tanks tested?


Ultrasound has another unique feature that can be used for all of these scenarios. It can hear leaks in compromised areas of storage tanks, vehicle cabs, boat cargo holds and aircraft, to name a few. Sensors are placed within the enclosed area and then sealed. Using our very sensitive ultrasound equipment with built-in software designed for this specific purpose, we can pinpoint these defects in the enclosed area. Once all areas are scanned for deficiencies a full report can be made up and action can be taken to correct the defective areas.


Ask your Idaho Ultrasound Technician for more details on how this process works and how it can benefit you and your business.

Whether it's condition monitoring or preventative and predictive maintenance, Idaho has you covered!
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